Q: Hi Ebony.
This might be somewhat of a personal question, but I thought I'd take a chance and ask. The worst you could tell me is it's none of my business. Why aren't you more involved in the natural hair community? I mean, you obviously have been successful in your journey. I've seen some of the feedback you've received after being featured or interviewed on different natural hair sites. Most people were pleasant, but some were very hostile and I hope the hostility you received from some of the readers didn't put you off. Others could really benefit from your experience, dos and don'ts, styles and what have you. I've been an admirer of yours ever since you started posting on Fotki a few years ago. I noticed that you only have only about two or three videos on YouTube. Do you plan to make more? I know I'm all over the place. I don't mean any harm, just would like to see more from you.
Olivia B.
A: Hi Olivia,
First, thank you for supporting me and being in my corner. I am asked that question quite often, but never in depth. As far as the hostility goes, that doesn't move me. I realize people are going to be who they are. However, I've made the mistake of posing a certain topic on a natural hair forum before, thinking I was kicking my feet up at home "sharing" in the midst of family, but quickly realized that not everyone will embrace you as such. My mother always told me that people will always find a reason to have a problem with you or crucify you..."They did it to Jesus, and HE was actually perfect," is what she'd say. Although the division between us turns my stomach, it's inevitable. There's always going to be some type of negativity in forums unless the moderators/administrators "don't play that." I'm a very laid back person and negativity and foolishness are natural repellents for me. I guess you could say I'm allergic. LOL! Rest assured that no one is responsible for my lack of involvement...All jokes aside, I do become involved here and there, especially when someone asks me for advice or guidance. As for YouTube, I can be a bit shy on camera...unless it's a still photo. It also takes a lot for me to make a video because I do absolutely nothing to my hair other than twists, twist outs, and flat ironing. I'm trying hard to find other styles that appeal to me, but haven't been successful yet. I'm still working on it. Thank you for being so patient with me thus far. I'd love it if you'd continue to be. I hope I've answered your question. Much love, joy, peace, and happiness.
This might be somewhat of a personal question, but I thought I'd take a chance and ask. The worst you could tell me is it's none of my business. Why aren't you more involved in the natural hair community? I mean, you obviously have been successful in your journey. I've seen some of the feedback you've received after being featured or interviewed on different natural hair sites. Most people were pleasant, but some were very hostile and I hope the hostility you received from some of the readers didn't put you off. Others could really benefit from your experience, dos and don'ts, styles and what have you. I've been an admirer of yours ever since you started posting on Fotki a few years ago. I noticed that you only have only about two or three videos on YouTube. Do you plan to make more? I know I'm all over the place. I don't mean any harm, just would like to see more from you.
Olivia B.
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Ebony C. |
A: Hi Olivia,
First, thank you for supporting me and being in my corner. I am asked that question quite often, but never in depth. As far as the hostility goes, that doesn't move me. I realize people are going to be who they are. However, I've made the mistake of posing a certain topic on a natural hair forum before, thinking I was kicking my feet up at home "sharing" in the midst of family, but quickly realized that not everyone will embrace you as such. My mother always told me that people will always find a reason to have a problem with you or crucify you..."They did it to Jesus, and HE was actually perfect," is what she'd say. Although the division between us turns my stomach, it's inevitable. There's always going to be some type of negativity in forums unless the moderators/administrators "don't play that." I'm a very laid back person and negativity and foolishness are natural repellents for me. I guess you could say I'm allergic. LOL! Rest assured that no one is responsible for my lack of involvement...All jokes aside, I do become involved here and there, especially when someone asks me for advice or guidance. As for YouTube, I can be a bit shy on camera...unless it's a still photo. It also takes a lot for me to make a video because I do absolutely nothing to my hair other than twists, twist outs, and flat ironing. I'm trying hard to find other styles that appeal to me, but haven't been successful yet. I'm still working on it. Thank you for being so patient with me thus far. I'd love it if you'd continue to be. I hope I've answered your question. Much love, joy, peace, and happiness.
I am in the movement, with one foot out. I concur with your thoughts. I have a million YT videos that took hrs to edit, yet I find myself still too critical to release them. I can control a still picture, unlike controlling my voice or a random gesture I didnt intend to 'share'. When it comes to forums, um yeh. I'm there. When it comes to fotki, i've returned to it because of all of the above. thanks for sharing EClark. :) Keep shining! Love to see your role in the movement as you motivate women with your inner and outward beauty. I still hope to get you in a release...