Sunday, May 15, 2011

Q & A: Is Short Natural Hair More Fun Than Long Natural Hair?

1.5 Years Natural

5 Years Natural
Q: Ebony, you've been natural for quite  sometime now. Do you enjoy your longer natural hair more than your short natural hair?

T. Logan

A: T. Logan, that's a great question. Honestly, sometimes I don't know. I love having longer hair sometimes because of laziness. I can always just pull it back. However, I do love my twist outs more because they're easier to maintain. I don't have to keep re-doing my styles because  one side is smashed or the definition is better on one side vs the other. When my hair was shorter, it was indeed much more fun and spunky...although I never really did much (other than twist outs, wash n goes, fro-hawks). One might say I was a tad boring with my hair. I do love my length because of convenience, and I do feel like some sort of hair goddess! LOL! :-)

ONE THING THOUGH: I miss the definition of my shorter hair. The longer it gets, the heavier it gets. My curls have now settled toward the bottom and the top is more wavy...I HATE that. So, not many wash n goes for me. :-) Eventually I will cut at least half of it for that reason alone. Thanks for asking Love. Smooches!

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